Constituency Groups
Constituency groups are nonprofit organizations chartered by the National AFL–CIO who may form local chapters where a state chapter has been formed. Representatives hold Vice President positions on the Executive Council of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO. In addition the Alliance for Retired Americans is an allied organization of the AFL-CIO. An ARA representative and local chapters may also hold a Vice President position on the Mass AFL-CIO Executive Council.
Constituency Groups
A. Philip Randolph Institute
APRI began as an alliance between the civil rights movement and the labor movement. Their mission is to fight for racial equality and economic justice.
AFL-CIO Union Veterans Council
The Union Veterans Council brings working class veterans together to speak out on the issues that impact their lives such as the need for good jobs and a strong, fully funded and staffed VA.
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
APALA is the first and only national organization of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) workers. They strive to advance worker, immigrant and civil rights.
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
CBTU strives to improve economic development and employment opportunities for black workers and to provide a voice and vehicle for greater black and minority participation.
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Formed in 1974, the CLUW is a unifying voice for all union women and strives to increase the involvement of all women in their unions and in the legislative and political process.
Labor Council for Latin American Advancement
LCLAA has proudly represented the interests of nearly 2 million Latino/a union workers since 1972 and continues to fight for the protection of their families, communities, and workers rights.
Pride At Work
Pride at Work seeks full equality for LGBTQ Workers in workplaces and unions. They work towards creating a labor movement that values diversity, encourages openness, and ensures safety & dignity.
Allied Organizations
American Labor Studies Center
ALSC is a not-for-profit organization that aligns labor history curricula with state and nationwide education standards as a way to address the erasure of labor history in our education system.
Alliance for Retired Americans
Since 2001 the ARA has organized retired union members, seniors, and community activists across the nation to advocate for social and economic justice and full civil rights for all citizens.
Jewish Labor Committee
The JLC is an independent, secular non-profit which serves to enable the Jewish and organized labor communities to work together in their joint pursuit of economic and social justice.
Union Label
The Union Label and Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO, works to promote products and services produced in America by union members.