Massachusetts Passes Strongest Response to Janus in the Country
The Massachusetts legislature has passed the strongest legislative response to the Janus vs. AFSCME U.S. Supreme Count Decision in the Nation.
Statement from President Steven A. Tolman, President of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, September 19, 2019
“Today the state legislature made a strong statement that unions are in the public interest and will remain a strong force for economic fairness in Massachusetts. The overwhelming bipartisan votes to override Governor Baker’s veto by the House and Senate this week demonstrate that unions are not a partisan issue in Massachusetts.
This new law represents the most comprehensive response to the Janus ruling of any state in the country by ensuring that unions will have the tools necessary to effectively communicate with their members while protecting their personal contact information from outside interests; allowing them to meet with newly hired members at their worksites; and charging reasonable fees for the costs of legal representation for non-members. Overall, it secures a level playing field after the Supreme Court’s 5-4, politically motivated Janus decision last year.
On behalf of the members of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, I thank Speaker DeLeo and Senate President Spilka for their leadership, and all members of the legislature who stood with us.”