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Take Action: Governor Healey, Save Our Hospitals and Dept. of Mental Health Workers

President Chrissy Lynch
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The Healey-Driscoll Administration's budget proposes closing Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Children and Pocasset Mental Health Center which would result in the layoffs of 300 workers and the displacement of over 50 patients, in addition to laying off 170 Department of Mental Health caseworkers, restricting resources for at-home health care, and potentially raising insurance costs for tens of thousands of current and retired state employees.

Massachusetts has a mental health crisis and these actions will only exacerbate the already dire situation. Join our letter campaign to tell Governor Healey union members oppose these closures, layoffs for DMH caseworkers, and insurance cost hikes.

Click here to send a letter to the Healey-Driscoll administration asking them not to cut essential healthcare services & benefits!