Legislative Action & Current Agenda
Check out the 2025-2026 MA AFL-CIO Endorsed Legislation
A primary role of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO is amplifying the voices and power of working people at the State Capitol. Every legislative session, thousands of bills are passed that shape fundamental aspects of our lives; from infrastructure development, to public transit, health care and more. We work with our affiliate members, community advocacy groups, and coalition partners to advocate for policies that will benefit workers on the job, at home, and in our communities.
Mobilizing Members
The most important voice at the State House is our members’. Each legislative session, there are many opportunities for workers to get involved in the legislative process and make their voices heard; through lobby days, phone calls, in-person meetings with legislators, emails, and public actions. Visit the “Take Action” and “Events” pages on our website to find out how you can get involved.
What issues do we work on?
The Massachusetts AFL-CIO endorses legislation based on the priorities of our member unions.
Check out our top priority endorsed legislation here.
Affiliate unions submit bills to the Legislative Director, who then brings them to the Executive Council for an official endorsement vote. We work with affiliates to better understand the impact of policy proposals on their members, and affiliates are encouraged to contact the Legislative Director with any questions or concerns about legislation. The Massachusetts AFL-CIO endorses state legislation on a rolling basis.
Legislator Accountability
The Massachusetts AFL-CIO tracks bills and amendments as they move through the legislature and as issues reach the floor for a vote, we educate legislators on the impact of their potential votes to workers in their district and the state. We keep records of legislators’ voting history to determine eligibility for political endorsement and hold them accountable to passing policies that benefit working people.