Kevin Brousseau

Kevin Brousseau is the Secretary-Treasurer of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, serving as the Chief Financial Officer.
Kevin previously served as the Political Director at the Massachusetts AFL-CIO and a union member with OPEIU Local 6. Kevin is a delegate to the Central MA AFL-CIO Central Labor Council and is a proud fourth generation union member through Roofers Local 33 and the UAW. Kevin has the Labor Movement in his blood.
Kevin worked his way up, playing a major role in every program and project of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO over the last several years. Some fights that Kevin has been proud to take on with unions across the Commonwealth include the unified statewide response to the terrible Janus Supreme Court decision, helping to lead the fight against wage theft, recruiting and encouraging union members to run for office through union member candidate school, and Kevin has been central to the effort of electing worker-friendly officials and holding them accountable to our members. Kevin graduated from the prestigious Harvard Trade Union Program, has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from UMass Amherst, and is raising his two children, in Milford with his wife Carly.